Liphello tsa Botle ba ho Boloka Metsi a Cellulose Ethers The fineness of cellulose ethers, tse kang carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) le hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC), e ka susumetsa thepa ea bona ea ho boloka metsi, haholo-holo lits'ebetsong moo li-cellulose ethers li sebelisoang e le li-thickeners kapa rheo. ..Bala haholoanyane»
Liphello tsa Cellulose Ether Tšimong ea Seretse se Itokisitseng se Kopantsoeng Cellulose ethers se bapala karolo ea bohlokoa tšimong ea seretse se seng se kopantsoe, ho fana ka melemo e fapaneng le ho matlafatsa thepa e 'maloa ea bohlokoa ea seretse. Mona ke tse ling tsa litlamorao tsa cellulose ethers ka seretse se seng se tsoakoa: Rete ea Metsi...Bala haholoanyane»
Nts'etsopele ea Rheological Thickener Tsoelo-pele ea li-rheological thickeners, ho kenyeletsoa le tse thehiloeng ho cellulose ethers joalo ka carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), e kenyelletsa motsoako oa ho utloisisa thepa e lakatsehang ea rheological le ho lokisa sebopeho sa limolek'hule tsa polymer ho fihlela ...Bala haholoanyane»
Ts'ebetso le Litšobotsi tsa Cellulose Ether Cellulose ethers ke sehlopha sa li-polymers tse qhibilihang ka metsing tse tsoang ho cellulose, polysaccharide ea tlhaho e fumanoang marakong a lisele tsa limela. Li sebelisoa haholo liindastering tse fapaneng ka lebaka la ts'ebetso ea tsona e ikhethang le litšobotsi. Mona ke tse ling tsa linotlolo tsa...Bala haholoanyane»
Lintho tse susumetsang tsa Cellulose Ether ho Cement Mortar Cellulose ethers li bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ho susumetsa thepa ea seretse sa samente, e amang ts'ebetso ea eona, ho khomarela, ho boloka metsi, le matla a mochine. Lintlha tse 'maloa li ka susumetsa ts'ebetso ea li-cellulose ethers ka har'a ceme ...Bala haholoanyane»
Tšebeliso ea Cellulose Ether ho Meriana ea Ntšetso-pele ea Li-Cellulose ethers e sebelisoa haholo ho nts'etsopele ea meriana le metsoako ea meriana ka lebaka la thepa ea bona e ikhethang le mekhoa e mengata ea ho sebetsa. Mona ke tse ling tsa ts'ebeliso ea li-cellulose ethers sebakeng sena: Mekhoa ea Phano ea Lithethefatsi: C...Bala haholoanyane»
Melemo ea Kopo ea Cellulose Ether Lefapheng la Lisebelisoa tsa Mohaho Li-cellulose ethers li sebelisoa haholo indastering ea thepa ea mohaho ka lebaka la thepa ea bona e mengata le likopo. Mona ke tse ling tsa menyetla ea ts'ebeliso ea cellulose ether indastering ena: Mortars and Renders: Cellul...Bala haholoanyane»
Liphello tsa Cellulose ether e le Li-Agents tse bolokang Metsi le Thickeners Cellulose ethers li sebelisoa haholo liindastering tse sa tšoaneng, ho akarelletsa le kaho, meriana, lijo, litlolo le tlhokomelo ea botho, ka lebaka la thepa ea bona e ikhethang e le lisebelisoa tse bolokang metsi le li-thickeners. Litlamorao tsa...Bala haholoanyane»
Kopo ea Coating ea Ethylcellulose ho Hydrophilic Matrices Ethylcellulose (EC) e sebelisoa haholo meriana bakeng sa ho roala mefuta e tiileng ea litekanyetso, haholo-holo matrices a hydrophilic, ho finyella lipakane tse fapaneng. Mona ke mokhoa oa ho roala ethylcellulose ho matrices a hydrophilic ...Bala haholoanyane»
Liphello tsa Cellulose Ethers ho Indasteri ea Kaho Li-Cellulose ethers, tse kang hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC), hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC), le carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), li bapala karolo ea bohlokoa indastering ea kaho ka lebaka la thepa ea bona e ikhethang le lisebelisoa tse fapaneng. Yena...Bala haholoanyane»
Lintlha tse amang Ts'ebetso ea Cellulose Ether Ts'ebetso ea li-cellulose ethers, tse kang hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC), hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC), le carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), lits'ebetsong tse sa tšoaneng li susumetsoa ke lintlha tse 'maloa. Ho utloisisa lintlha tsena ke habohlokoa ...Bala haholoanyane»
Lintlha Tse Amanang le Poloko ea Metsi a Cellulose ether Bokhoni ba ho boloka metsi ba cellulose ethers, joalo ka hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC), hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC), le carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), bo phetha karolo ea bohlokoa lits'ebetsong tse ngata, haholo lisebelisoa tsa kaho. ..Bala haholoanyane»