Molao-motheo oa ho boloka metsi oa hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC)

Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose HPMC ke non-ionic cellulose ether e entsoeng ka selulose ea tlhaho ea polymer ka letoto la ts'ebetso ea lik'hemik'hale. Ke phofo e tšoeu e sa nkheng, e sa latsoeheng le e se nang chefo, e kokomohang hore e be motsoako oa colloidal o hlakileng kapa o fokolang hanyenyane metsing a batang. E na le litšoaneleho tsa ho teteana, ho kopanya, ho qhalakanngoa, emulsification, ho thehoa ha filimi, ho emisoa, adsorption, gelation, mosebetsi oa holim'a metsi, ho boloka mongobo le colloid e sireletsang. Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose e ka sebelisoa ho haha, indasteri ea ho roala, resin ea maiketsetso, indasteri ea ceramic, meriana, lijo, masela, temo, indasteri ea lik'hemik'hale ea letsatsi le letsatsi le liindasteri tse ling.

Ts'ebetso ea ho boloka metsi le molao-motheo: cellulose ether HPMC haholo-holo e phetha karolo ea ho boloka metsi le ho tiea ka seretse sa samente le seretse se thehiloeng ho gypsum, se ka ntlafatsang ka katleho matla a ho kopanya le ho hanyetsa sag ea slurry. Lintho tse kang mocheso oa moea, mocheso le lebelo la khatello ea moea li tla ama sekhahla sa ho fetoha ha metsi seretseng sa samente le lihlahisoa tse thehiloeng ho gypsum. Ka hona, ka linako tse fapaneng tsa selemo, ho na le liphapano tse itseng molemong oa ho boloka metsi ka bongata bo lekanang ba lihlahisoa tsa HPMC. Moahong o ikhethileng, phello ea ho boloka metsi ea slurry e ka fetoloa ka ho eketsa kapa ho fokotsa palo ea HPMC e kentsoeng.

Ho boloka metsi a methyl cellulose ether tlas'a maemo a mocheso o phahameng ke pontšo ea bohlokoa ho khetholla boleng ba methyl cellulose ether. Lihlahisoa tse ntle ka ho fetisisa tsa HPMC li ka rarolla bothata ba ho boloka metsi ka mocheso o phahameng. Linakong tsa mocheso o phahameng, haholo-holo libakeng tse chesang le tse omileng le kaho ea lera le tšesaane lehlakoreng le chabileng, HPMC ea boleng bo holimo ea hlokahala ho ntlafatsa ho boloka metsi a seretse.

HPMC ea boleng bo holimo e na le ts'ebetso e ntle haholo. Lihlopha tsa eona tsa methoxy le hydroxypropoxy li ajoa ka ho lekana hammoho le ketane ea molek'hule ea cellulose, e ka ntlafatsang bokhoni ba liathomo tsa oksijene holim'a li-bond tsa hydroxyl le ether ho kopana le metsi ho etsa li-hydrogen bond. , E le hore metsi a sa lefelloeng e be metsi a tlamiloeng, kahoo a laola ka katleho ho fetoha mouoane ha metsi ho bakoang ke mocheso o phahameng oa leholimo, le ho finyella ho boloka metsi a mangata.

HPMC ea boleng bo holimo ea selulose e ka qhalakantsoeng ka mokhoa o ts'oanang le ka katleho ka har'a seretse sa samente le lihlahisoa tse thehiloeng ho gypsum, 'me ea phuthela likaroloana tsohle tse tiileng,' me ea etsa lera la filimi ea ho kolobisa. Metsi a ka setsing a lokolloa butle-butle ka nako e telele. Thepa e khutsufalitsoeng e etsa karabelo ea hydration, e le ho netefatsa matla a tlamahano le matla a hatellang a thepa. Ka hona, mohahong o phahameng oa mocheso oa lehlabula, e le ho finyella phello ea ho boloka metsi, lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo phahameng ba HPMC li tlameha ho ekeletsoa ka bongata bo lekaneng ho ea ka foromo, ho seng joalo, ho haella ha metsi, matla a fokotsehileng, ho phunyeha, ho koala le ho oa. e tla etsahala ka lebaka la ho omisa ho feteletseng. Mathata, empa hape a eketsa bothata ba basebetsi ba kaho. Ha mocheso o fokotseha, palo ea HPMC e ekelitsoeng e ka fokotsoa butle-butle, 'me phello e tšoanang ea ho boloka metsi e ka finyelloa.

Palo ea metsi ea HPMC e angoa ke lintlha tse latelang:
1. Homogeneity ea cellulose ether HPMC
Ho HPMC e sebetsanang le homogeneously, lihlopha tsa methoxy le hydroxypropoxy li ajoa ka ho lekana, 'me sekhahla sa ho boloka metsi se phahame.

2. Thermal gel mocheso oa cellulose ether HPMC
Mocheso oa mocheso oa gel o phahame, tekanyo ea ho boloka metsi e phahame; ho fapana le hoo, sekhahla sa ho boloka metsi se tlase.

3. Viscosity ea cellulose ether HPMC
Ha viscosity ea HPMC e eketseha, tekanyo ea ho boloka metsi e boetse e eketseha; ha viscosity e fihla boemong bo itseng, ho eketseha ha sekhahla sa ho boloka metsi ho atisa ho ba sephara.

4. Ho eketsoa ha cellulose ether HPMC
Ha palo e kholo ea cellulose ether HPMC e eketsoa, ​​​​sekhahla sa ho boloka metsi se phahame le phello e ntle ea ho boloka metsi. Ho phaella ho 0.25-0.6%, tekanyo ea ho boloka metsi e eketseha ka potlako ka ho eketseha ha chelete e eketsehileng; ha palo ea tlatsetso e ntse e eketseha, mokhoa o ntseng o eketseha oa sekhahla sa ho boloka metsi oa fokotseha.

Nako ea poso: Dec-16-2021