1. Hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) ke eng?
Hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC)ke motsoako oa tlhaho oa polymer le motsoako oa cellulose. Ke motsoako oa ether o qhibilihang ka metsi o fumanoang ke karabelo ea selulose ka ethylene oxide. Sebopeho sa lik'hemik'hale sa hydroxyethyl selulose se na le masapo a motheo a selulose, 'me ka nako e ts'oanang e kenyelletsa lintho tse ling tsa hydroxyethyl (-CH2CH2OH) ka har'a ketane ea eona ea limolek'hule, e fanang ka ho qhibiliha ha metsi le lintho tse itseng tsa 'mele le lik'hemik'hale. Ke k'hemik'hale e se nang chefo, e sa hloekiseng 'me e ka senyeha ka tlhaho e sebelisoang haholo liindastering tse fapaneng.
2. Ts'ebetso ea hydroxyethyl cellulose
Ho qhibiliha ha metsi: Hydroxyethyl cellulose e na le ho qhibiliha hantle ka metsing 'me e ka qhibiliha ka potlako metsing a batang kapa a chesang ho etsa tharollo ea viscous. The solubility e eketseha ka keketseho ea tekanyo ea hydroxyethylation, kahoo e na le taolo e ntle ea likopo tsa indasteri.
Litšobotsi tsa viscosity: Viscosity ea tharollo ea hydroxyethyl cellulose e amana haufi-ufi le boima ba eona ba molek'hule, tekanyo ea hydroxyethylation le mahloriso a tharollo. Viscosity ea eona e ka fetoloa lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng ho fihlela litlhoko tse fapaneng tsa ts'ebetso. Libakeng tse tlaase, e itšoara e le tharollo e tlaase ea viscosity, ha e ntse e le maemong a phahameng, viscosity e eketseha ka potlako, e fana ka thepa e matla ea rheological.
Nonionicity: Hydroxyethyl cellulose ke "nonionic surfactant" e sa ameheng ke liphetoho tsa boleng ba pH ea tharollo, kahoo e bontša botsitso bo botle tlas'a maemo a fapaneng a tikoloho. Thepa ena e etsa hore e sebelisoe haholo ka mekhoa e mengata e hlokang botsitso.
Thickening: Hydroxyethyl cellulose e na le lintho tse ntle tsa ho teteana 'me e sebelisoa e le setenya mefuteng e mengata ea metsi. E ka eketsa ka katleho viscosity ea mokelikeli le ho fetola fluidity le operability ea sehlahisoa.
Thepa ea ho etsa lifilimi le emulsifying: Selulose ea Hydroxyethyl e na le thepa e itseng ea ho etsa filimi le emulsifying, 'me e ka khona ho qhalakanya ka mokhoa o tsitsitseng metsoako e fapaneng tsamaisong ea multiphase. Thepa ena e bohlokoa haholo indastering ea litlolo le litlolo.
Thermal stability le solubility:Hydroxyethyl cellulosee batla e tsitsitse mochesong, e ka boloka ho qhibiliha ha eona le ho sebetsa ka har'a mocheso o itseng oa mocheso, le ho ikamahanya le litlhoko tsa maemo a phahameng a mocheso. Thepa ena e etsa hore e be molemo bakeng sa ts'ebeliso libakeng tse ling tse khethehileng.
Biodegradability: Ka lebaka la mohloli oa eona oa tlhaho oa cellulose, hydroxyethyl cellulose e na le biodegradability e ntle, kahoo e na le tšusumetso e fokolang tikolohong 'me ke thepa e baballang tikoloho.
3. Libaka tsa kopo ea hydroxyethyl cellulose
Indasteri ea kaho le ho roala: Hydroxyethyl cellulose e atisa ho sebelisoa e le setsi sa ho thibela metsi le ho boloka metsi indastering ea kaho, 'me e sebelisoa haholo ka seretse sa samente, sekhomaretsi, seretse se omeletseng le lihlahisoa tse ling. E ka ntlafatsa ts'ebetso le ho phalla ha lintho tse bonahalang, ho ntlafatsa ho khomarela le ts'ebetso e sa keneleng metsi ea ho roala. Ka lebaka la ho boloka metsi hantle, e ka khona ho atolosa nako e bulehileng ea thepa ka katleho, ea thibela ho tsoa ha metsi ka potlako, 'me ea netefatsa boleng ba mohaho.
Ho ntšoa ha oli le mokelikeli oa ho phunya: Ha ho ntšoa oli, hydroxyethyl cellulose e sebelisoa e le motenya bakeng sa mokelikeli oa ho phunya le mokelikeli o phethoang, o ka fetolang hantle rheology ea mokelikeli, ho thibela ho beoa ha seretse leboteng la seliba le ho tsitsisa sebopeho sa lebota la seliba. E ka boela ea fokotsa ho kenella ha metsi le ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso le polokeho ea ho cheka.
Indasteri ea litlolo:Hydroxyethyl cellulosee sebelisoa haholo lihlahisoa tsa tlhokomelo ea letlalo, shampoo, gel ea shaoara, tranelate ea sefahleho le lihlahisoa tse ling e le motenya, emulsifier le stabilizer ho litlolo. E ka eketsa viscosity ea sehlahisoa, ea ntlafatsa mokelikeli oa sehlahisoa, ea ntlafatsa maikutlo a sehlahisoa, hape e theha filimi e sireletsang letlalong ho thusa ho nosetsa le ho sireletsa.
Indasteri ea Litlhare: Hydroxyethyl cellulose e sebelisoa e le setlamo sa lithethefatsi, ntho e sa khaotseng ea tokollo, le setlatsi sa matlapa le li-capsules indastering ea meriana. E ka ntlafatsa thepa ea 'mele ea litokisetso tsa lithethefatsi le ho matlafatsa botsitso le bioavailability ea lithethefatsi.
Indasteri ea masela le ea ho etsa lipampiri: indastering ea masela, hydroxyethyl cellulose e ka sebelisoa e le tlatsetso ea ho daea le ho hatisa khatiso ho ntlafatsa ho tšoana ha dae le bonolo ba masela. Indastering ea ho etsa pampiri, e sebelisoa e le motenya oa ho roala pampiri ho ntlafatsa boleng ba khatiso le ho benya ha pampiri.
Indasteri ea Lijo: Hydroxyethyl cellulose e boetse e sebelisoa ho lokisa lijo, haholo-holo e le ntho e teteaneng, emulsifier le stabilizer. E ka fetola tatso le mokhoa oa lijo, mohlala, ka ice cream, jelly le lino tse tahang, e ka ntlafatsa botsitso le tatso ea sehlahisoa.
Temo: Tšimong ea temo, hydroxyethyl cellulose e atisa ho sebelisoa litokisetsong tsa chefo e bolaeang likokoanyana, ho roala manyolo le lihlahisoa tsa tšireletso ea limela. Botenya ba eona le thepa ea eona ea mongobo e thusa ho ntlafatsa ho ts'oana le ho khomarela ha lisebelisoa tsa ho fafatsa, ka hona ho ntlafatsa katleho ea chefo e bolaeang likokoanyana le ho fokotsa tšilafalo tikolohong.
Lik'hemik'hale tsa letsatsi le letsatsi: Ka ho hloekisa malapa le lihlahisoa tsa tlhokomelo ea motho ka mong, hydroxyethyl cellulose e sebelisoa e le motenya le stabilizer ho ntlafatsa phello ea tšebeliso le boikutlo ba sehlahisoa. Ka mohlala, hangata e sebelisoa lik’hemik’haleng tsa letsatsi le letsatsi tse kang metsi a hlatsoang lijana, lihlatsoetso le lintho tse hloekisang sefahleho.
Hydroxyethyl celluloseke motsoako o phahameng oa limolek'hule o nang le ts'ebetso e phahameng le mefuta e mengata ea tšebeliso. Motsoako oa eona o motle oa ho qhibiliha ha metsi, ho teteana, botsitso ba mocheso le biodegradability ho etsa hore e sebelisoe haholo mafapheng a mangata a kang kaho, petroleum, litlolo, meriana le masela. Ka ntlafatso ea litlhoko tsa ts'ireletso ea tikoloho le tsoelo-pele ea theknoloji, menyetla ea kopo ea HEC e tla ba e pharaletseng 'me e be khetho ea bohlokoa bakeng sa lisebelisoa tse tala tsa tšireletso ea tikoloho le lisebelisoa tse sebetsang.
Nako ea poso: Nov-07-2024