
  • Nako ea poso: Jan-22-2024

    Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) ke tlatsetso e feto-fetohang e sebelisoang haholo indastering ea kaho, haholo meahong ea samente. Gypsum plaster, eo hape e tsejoang e le plaster ea Paris, ke thepa ea kaho e tsebahalang e sebelisetsoang ho koahela mabota le siling. HPMC e bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ho ntlafatseng ...Bala haholoanyane»

  • Nako ea poso: Jan-22-2024

    Mekelikeling ea ho cheka, PAC e bua ka polyanionic cellulose, e leng motsoako oa bohlokoa o sebelisoang ho cheka metsoako ea seretse. Ho cheka seretse, se tsejoang hape e le mokelikeli oa ho cheka, ho phetha karolo ea bohlokoa tšebetsong ea ho cheka liliba tsa oli le khase. E sebeletsa merero e fapaneng, joalo ka ho pholile le ho phunya mafura ...Bala haholoanyane»

  • Nako ea poso: Jan-21-2024

    Na cellulose ether e ka senyeha? Cellulose ether, e le lentsoe le akaretsang, le bolela lelapa la metsoako e tsoang ho cellulose, polysaccharide ea tlhaho e fumanoang marakong a lisele tsa limela. Mehlala ea cellulose ethers e kenyelletsa Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC), Carboxymethyl Cellulose (CMC)...Bala haholoanyane»

  • Nako ea poso: Jan-21-2024

    Cellulose Ether Viscosity Test The viscosity ea cellulose ethers, joalo ka Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC) kapa Carboxymethyl Cellulose (CMC), ke parameter ea bohlokoa e ka amang ts'ebetso ea bona lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng. Viscosity ke tekanyo ea khanyetso ea mokelikeli ho phalla, 'me ke ...Bala haholoanyane»

  • Nako ea poso: Jan-21-2024

    Sebopeho sa lik'hemik'hale tsa li-cellulose ether derivatives Cellulose ethers ke li-derivatives tsa cellulose, polysaccharide ea tlhaho e fumanoang marakong a lisele tsa limela. Sebopeho sa lik'hemik'hale tsa cellulose ethers se khetholloa ka ho hlahisoa ha lihlopha tse fapaneng tsa ether ka phetoho ea lik'hemik'hale tsa ...Bala haholoanyane»

  • Nako ea poso: Jan-21-2024

    Li-ether tsa cellulose tse sebetsang hantle bakeng sa seretse se ommeng se ntlafalitsoeng Li-ether tsa cellulose tse sebetsang hantle li bapala karolo ea bohlokoa ho ntlafatseng ts'ebetso ea seretse se ommeng se sebelisoang lits'ebetsong tsa kaho. Li-ether tsena tsa cellulose, joalo ka Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC), li bohlokoa bakeng sa ...Bala haholoanyane»

  • Nako ea poso: Jan-21-2024

    Li-Cellulose Ethers bakeng sa Phallo e Laolehileng ea Lithethefatsi ka Hydrophilic Matrix Systems Cellulose ethers, haholo-holo Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC), e sebelisoa ka ho pharaletseng mefuteng ea meriana bakeng sa ho lokolloa ha lithethefatsi ka tsamaiso ea hydrophilic matrix systems. Tokollo e laoloang ea lithethefatsi...Bala haholoanyane»

  • Nako ea poso: Jan-21-2024

    Li-Cellulose Ethers e le Anti-Redeposition Agents Cellulose ethers, tse kang Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC) le Carboxymethyl Cellulose (CMC), li sebelisoa lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng, 'me e' ngoe ea mesebetsi ea tsona ke ho sebetsa e le li-anti-redeposition agents ka lihlahisoa tsa sesepa. Mona ke kamoo cellulose e ...Bala haholoanyane»

  • Nako ea poso: Jan-21-2024

    Ho fetolela li-ethers tsa cellulose tse qhibilihang ka metsing hore e be foromo ea sheet Ho fetola li-ethers tse qhibilihang ka metsing, tse kang Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC) kapa Carboxymethyl Cellulose (CMC), hore e be foromo ea lakane ho kenyelletsa mokhoa oo hangata o kenyelletsang mehato e latelang. Lintlha tse ikhethileng tsa ts'ebetso li ka fapana ...Bala haholoanyane»

  • Nako ea poso: Jan-21-2024

    Boits'oaro ba mohato le sebopeho sa fibril ka li-ethers tsa aqueous cellulose Boits'oaro ba mohato le sebopeho sa fibril ka li-ethers tsa cellulose tse nang le metsi ke lintho tse rarahaneng tse susumetsoang ke sebopeho sa lik'hemik'hale tsa li-cellulose ethers, mahloriso a tsona, mocheso le ho ba teng ha li-additives tse ling. Cellulose ...Bala haholoanyane»

  • Nako ea poso: Jan-21-2024

    Li-cellulose ethers: tlhaloso, tlhahiso le ts'ebeliso Tlhaloso ea Cellulose Ethers: Cellulose ethers ke lelapa la li-polymers tse qhibilihang ka metsing tse nkiloeng ho selulose, polysaccharide ea tlhaho e fumanoang marakong a lisele tsa limela. Ka phetoho ea lik'hemik'hale, lihlopha tsa ether li hlahisoa ho ...Bala haholoanyane»

  • Nako ea poso: Jan-21-2024

    METHOCEL ™ Cellulose Ethers ho Building METHOCEL™ cellulose ethers, e hlahisoang ke Dow, e sebelisoa haholo indastering ea kaho le ea kaho bakeng sa thepa ea bona e fapaneng. Li-cellulose ethers tsena, ho kenyeletsoa Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC), li bapala karolo ea bohlokoa linthong tse fapaneng tsa kaho ...Bala haholoanyane»