Hydrocolloid: Cellulose Gum

Hydrocolloid: Cellulose Gum

Li-Hydrocolloids ke sehlopha sa metsoako e nang le bokhoni ba ho etsa li-gel kapa litharollo tsa viscous ha li qhalakanngoa ka metsing. Cellulose gum, e tsejoang hape e le carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) kapa cellulose carboxymethyl ether, ke hydrocolloid e sebelisoang hangata e tsoang ho cellulose, polima ea tlhaho e fumanehang maboteng a lisele tsa semela. Mona ke seo u hlokang ho se tseba ka chese ea cellulose joalo ka hydrocolloid:

Lintho tsa Cellulose Gum:

  1. Ho qhibiliha ha Metsi: Cellulose gum e qhibiliha ka metsing, e etsa litharollo tse hlakileng le tse hlakileng kapa li-gel ho itšetlehile ka mahloriso le maemo. Thepa ena e etsa hore ho be bonolo ho kenyelletsa metsoako ea metsi le ho fetola viscosity.
  2. Thickening: Cellulose gum ke ntho e sebetsang hantle ea ho tenya, e khonang ho eketsa viscosity ea tharollo ea metsi le ho emisa. E fana ka boitšoaro ba pseudoplastic kapa shear-thinning, ho bolelang hore viscosity ea eona e fokotseha tlas'a khatello ea ho kuta 'me e hlaphoheloa ha khatello ea kelello e tlosoa.
  3. Ho tsitsisa: Cellulose gum e sebetsa e le stabilizer le emulsifier lijong le lino tse entsoeng, ho thibela karohano ea mekhahlelo, sedimentation, kapa crystallization. E thusa ho ntlafatsa bophelo ba lishelefo, sebopeho, le molomo oa lihlahisoa tse kang li-sauces, li-dressings le li-dessert tsa lebese.
  4. Ho Etsa Lifilimi: Cellulose gum e ka etsa lifilimi tse feto-fetohang le tse momahaneng ha li omisitsoe, tsa etsa hore e tšoanelehe bakeng sa lits'ebetso tse joalo ka liphahlo, lifilimi le likhase tse jeoang. Thepa e etsang filimi ea chese ea cellulose e kenya letsoho ho ntlafatseng thepa ea thibelo, ho boloka mongobo, le ts'ireletso ea bokaholimo.
  5. Suspension: Cellulose gum e na le bokhoni ba ho emisa likaroloana tse sa qhibiliheng kapa metsoako mekhoeng ea mokelikeli, ho thibela ho tsitsa kapa ho thella. Thepa ena e bohlokoa ho lihlahisoa tse kang suspensions, syrups, le oral pharmaceutical formulations.
  6. Pseudoplasticity: Cellulose gum e bonts'a boitšoaro ba pseudoplastic, ho bolelang hore viscosity ea eona e fokotseha ka sekhahla se ntseng se eketseha sa ho kuta. Thepa ena e lumella ho kopanya habonolo, ho pompa le ho sebelisa lihlahisoa tse nang le marenene a cellulose, ha li ntse li fana ka botenya le botsitso bo lakatsehang ha u phomotse.

Lisebelisoa tsa Cellulose Gum:

  1. Lijo le Seno: Cellulose gum e sebelisoa haholo e le ntho e tiisang, e tsitsisang le e etsang emulsifying lihlahisoa tsa lijo le lino. Hangata e fumanoa ka li-sauces, li-dressing, sopho, lihlahisoa tsa lebese, lintho tse halikiloeng le li-confections, moo e ntlafatsang sebopeho, molomo le botsitso ba shelf.
  2. Meriana: indastering ea meriana, serethe sa cellulose se sebelisoa e le se tlamahanyang, se senyang, le se matlafatsang viscosity ha ho etsoa lipilisi. E thusa ho ntlafatsa bonngoe ba letlapa, ho qhibiliha, le litlaleho tsa ho lokolloa ha lithethefatsi, ho tlatsetsa katlehong le botsitso ba mefuta ea litekanyetso tsa molomo.
  3. Lihlahisoa tsa Tlhokomelo ea Motho: Cellulose gum e kenyelelitsoe tlhokomelong ea motho le lihlahisoa tsa litlolo, ho kenyelletsa le sesepa sa meno, shampoo, lotion, le litlolo tsa tranelate. E sebetsa e le ntho e teteaneng, e tsitsitseng, le moemeli oa ho etsa lifilimi, e fana ka sebopeho se lakatsehang, viscosity le thepa ea kutlo.
  4. Lisebelisoa tsa Indasteri: Cellulose gum e sebelisoa lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng tsa indasteri tse kang lipente, lirafshoa, likhomaretsi le maro a ho cheka. E fana ka taolo ea viscosity, phetoho ea rheological, le thepa ea ho boloka metsi, ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso le litšobotsi tsa ho sebetsana le lisebelisoa tsena.

cellulose gum ke hydrocolloid e feto-fetohang e nang le mefuta e mengata ea ts'ebeliso ea lijo, meriana, tlhokomelo ea motho ka mong le indastering ea indasteri. Lintho tsa eona tse ikhethang, tse kenyelletsang ho qhibiliha ha metsi, ho teteana, ho tsitsisa, ho etsa lifilimi le ho emisoa, ho etsa hore e be tlatsetso ea bohlokoa mefuteng e mengata ea lihlahisoa le lihlahisoa.

Nako ea poso: Feb-08-2024