Putty powder ke sesebelisoa sa phofo se lekanyang bokaholimo bakeng sa ho lokisa bokaholimo ba kaho pele ho kaho ea pente. Sepheo se seholo ke ho tlatsa li-pores tsa sebaka sa kaho le ho lokisa ho kheloha ha mokoloko oa sebaka sa kaho, ho rala motheo o motle oa ho fumana pente e ts'oanang le e boreleli. , mohlophisi o latelang o tla u isa ho utloisisa mekhoa ea li-putty powders tse fapaneng:
1. Mokhoa o tloaelehileng oa ka hare oa lebota la putty powder formula
Phofo ea rabara 2~2.2%, phofo ea Shuangfei (kapa phofo ea talcum) 98%
2. Foromo e tloaelehileng e phahameng ea ka hare ea lebota la putty powder
Rubber phofo 1.8~2.2%, Shuangfei phofo (kapa talcum phofo) 90~60%, Paris plaster phofo (mohaho oa gypsum, hemihydrate gypsum) 10~40%
3. Reference formula of high hardness le metsi manganga lerako putty phofo
Foromo ea 1: Phofo ea rabara 1 ~ 1.2%, phofo ea Shuangfei 70%, phofo ea Ash calcium 30%
Foromo ea 2: phofo ea rabara 0.8~1.2%, phofo ea Shuangfei 60%, phofo ea Ash calcium 20%, samente e tšoeu 20%
4. Reference formula of high hardness, washable and anti-mold hare-hare lerako putty phofo
Foromo ea 1: phofo ea rabara 0.4 ~ 0.45%, phofo ea Shuangfei 70%, phofo ea Ash calcium 30%
Foromo ea 2: Phofo ea rabara 0.4 ~ 0.45%, Shuangfei phofo 60%, Ash calcium phofo 20%, Samente e tšoeu 20%
5. Reference formula of high-hardness, e sa keneleng metsi, e ka hlatsuoang le e thibelang ho phunyeha ha lebota la putty putty.
Foromo ea 1: phofo ea rabara 1.5 ~ 1.9%, samente e tšoeu (samente e ntšo) 40%, phofo e fofang habeli 30%, phofo ea molora ea calcium 30%, setlolo se thibelang ho peperana 1 ~ 1.5%
Foromo ea 2: phofo ea rabara 1.7-1.9%, samente e tšoeu (samente e ntšo) 40%, phofo e fofang habeli 40%, phofo ea molora ea calcium 20%, setlolo sa anti-cracking 1-1.5%
Foromo ea 3: phofo ea rabara 2 ~ 2.2%, samente e tšoeu (samente e ntšo) 40%, phofo e fofang habeli 20%, phofo ea calcium ea molora 20%, phofo ea quartz (180 # lehlabathe) 20%, sehokelo sa anti-cracking 2 ~ 3%
Foromo ea 4: phofo ea rabara 0.6 ~ 1%, samente e tšoeu (425 #) 40%, phofo ea molora oa calcium 25%, phofo e fofang habeli 35%, setlolo se khahlanong le ho phunyeha 1.5%
Foromo ea 5: phofo ea rabara 2.5-2.8%, samente e tšoeu (samente e ntšo) 35%, phofo e fofang habeli 30%, phofo ea molora ea calcium 35%, setlolo se thibelang ho phunyeha 1-1.5%
6. Reference formula for elastic washable bokantle anti-cracking putty phofo
Phofo ea rabara 0.8 ~ 1.8%, samente e tšoeu (samente e ntšo) 30%, phofo e fofang habeli 40%, phofo ea calcium ea molora 30%, setlolo sa anti-cracking 1~2%
7. Reference formula of anti-cracking putty powder bakeng sa mosaic strip tile bokantle leboteng
Foromo ea 1: phofo ea rabara 1 ~ 1.3%, samente e tšoeu (425 #) 40%, phofo ea lime calcium 20%, phofo e fofang habeli 20%, motsoako oa anti-cracking 1.5%, lehlabathe la quartz 120 mesh (kapa lehlabathe le omisitsoeng la noka) 20%
Foromo ea 2: phofo ea rabara 2.5 ~ 3%, samente e tšoeu (samente e ntšo) 40%, phofo e fofang habeli 20%, phofo ea calcium ea molora 20%, phofo ea quartz (180 # lehlabathe) 20%, additi ea anti-cracking 2 ~ 3%
Foromo ea 3: phofo ea rabara 2.2-2.8%, samente e tšoeu (samente e ntšo) 40%, phofo e fofang habeli 40%, phofo ea molora ea calcium 20%, setlolo sa anti-cracking 1-1.5%
8. Foromo ea litšupiso bakeng sa phofshoana e sa keneleng metsi le e khahlanong le ho peperana bakeng sa marako a ka ntle a lithaele tsa mosaic.
Rabara phofo 1.2-2.2%, samente e tšoeu (samente e ntšo) 30%, Shuangfei phofo 30%, molora calcium phofo 20%, quartz phofo (lehlabathe) 20%, anti-cracking additive 2-3%
9. Foromo ea litšupiso bakeng sa phofo ea putty ea ka hare e tenyetsehang
Foromo ea 1: Phofo ea rabara 1.3 ~ 1.5%, phofo ea Shuangfei 80%, phofo ea Ash calcium 20%
Foromo ea 2: phofo ea rabara 1.3-1.5%, phofo ea Shuangfei 70%, phofo ea Ash calcium 20%, samente e tšoeu 10%
10. Reference formula of flexible bokantle leboteng putty
Foromo ea 1: phofo ea rabara 1.5-1.8%, phofo ea Shuangfei 55%, phofo ea lime calcium 10%, samente e tšoeu 35%, setlolo sa anti-cracking 0.5%
11. Mebala e ka ntle ea lebota la putty powder formula
Colour putty powder 1-1.5%, samente e tšoeu 10%, phofo e hloekisitsoeng ea lime calcium (calcium oxide ≥ 70%) 15%, anti-cracking additive 2%, bentonite 5%, lehlabathe la quartz (bosoeu ≥ 85%, silicon ≥ 99% ) ) 15%, phofo ea jade e mosehla 52%, mofetoleli oa putty oa mebala 0.2%
12. Foromo ea sekhomaretsi sa lithaele
Letlapa le khomarelang 1.3%, samente e tloaelehileng ea Portland 48.7%, lehlabathe la kaho (150 ~ 30 mesh) 50%
13. Foromo ea moemeli oa sebopeho sa phofo se omeletseng
Moemeli oa phofo e omileng ea rabara phofo 1.3%, samente e tloaelehileng ea portland 48.7%, lehlabathe la kaho (150 ~ 30 mesh) 50%
14. Foromo e thibelang hlobo e thibelang hlobo
Foromo ea 1: phofo ea rabara 1.5-2%, samente e tloaelehileng ea Portland 30%, samente e phahameng ea alumina 10%, lehlabathe la quartz 30%, phofo ea Shuangfei 28%
Foromo ea 2: phofo ea rabara 3-5%, samente e tloaelehileng ea portland 25%, samente e phahameng ea alumina 10%, lehlabathe la quartz 30%, phofo e fofang habeli 26%, pigment 5%
15. Foromo ea phofo e omeletseng e sa keneleng metsi
Phofo e sa keneleng metsi 0.7~1%, samente (samente e ntšo) 35%, lime calcium phofo 20%, lehlabathe la quartz (fineness>200 mesh) 35%, phofo e fofang habeli 10%
16. Gypsum bonding rubber powder formula
Foromo ea 1: Gypsum adhesive powder 0.7 ~ 1.2%, plaster ea paris (hemihydrate gypsum, gypsum powder) 100%
Foromo ea 2: Gypsum adhesive powder 0.8 ~ 1.2%, plaster ea paris (hemihydrate gypsum, gypsum powder) 80%, phofo e fofang habeli (calcium e boima) 20%
17. Gypsum powder formula bakeng sa ho lila
Foromo ea 1: Gypsum stucco phofo 0.8 ~ 1%, plaster ea paris (hemihydrate gypsum, gypsum powder) 100%
Foromo ea 2: Gypsum plaster plaster 0.8 ~ 1.2%, plaster ea paris (hemihydrate gypsum, gypsum powder) 80%, phofo e fofang habeli (calcium e boima) 20%
18. Foromo ea phofo e entsoeng ka lehong e entsoeng ka metsi
Phofo ea lehong e entsoeng ka metsi 8-10%, phofo ea Shuangfei (phofo e boima ea calcium) 60%, phofo ea gypsum 24%, phofo ea talcum 6-8%
19. Foromo e phahameng ea anhydrite gypsum putty powder
Putty rabara phofo 0.5 ~ 1.5%, samente phofo (mohaho gypsum, hemihydrate gypsum) 88%, talcum phofo (kapa habeli fofa phofo) 10%, gypsum retarder 1%
20. Mokhoa o tloaelehileng oa phofo ea gypsum putty
Putty rabara phofo 1 ~ 2%, samente phofo (mohaho gypsum, hemihydrate gypsum) 70%, talcum phofo (kapa Shuangfei phofo) 30%, gypsum retarder 1%
Nako ea poso: Dec-26-2023