Cellulose Ethers: Tlhahiso le Likopo

Cellulose Ethers: Tlhahiso le Likopo

Tlhahiso ea Cellulose Ethers:

Tlhahiso eali-cellulose etherse kenyelletsa ho fetola selulose ea tlhaho ea polymer ka karabelo ea lik'hemik'hale. Li-cellulose ethers tse tloaelehileng haholo li kenyelletsa Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose (HPMC), Carboxymethyl Cellulose (CMC), Hydroxyethyl Cellulose (HEC), Methyl Cellulose (MC), le Ethyl Cellulose (EC). Mona ke kakaretso ea kakaretso ea ts'ebetso ea tlhahiso:

  1. Ho fumana Cellulose:
    • Ts'ebetso e qala ka ho fumana selulose, eo hangata e nkiloeng ho makhasi a lehong kapa k'hothone. Mofuta oa mohloli oa cellulose o ka susumetsa thepa ea sehlahisoa sa ho qetela sa cellulose ether.
  2. Pulping:
    • Selulose e tlas'a ts'ebetso ea pulping ho senya likhoele ka mokhoa o laolehang haholoanyane.
  3. Tlhoekiso:
    • Selulose e hloekisoa ho tlosa litšila le lignin, e leng se hlahisang thepa e hloekisitsoeng ea cellulose.
  4. Maikutlo a Etherification:
    • Selulose e hloekisitsoeng e kena etherification, moo lihlopha tsa ether (mohlala, hydroxyethyl, hydroxypropyl, carboxymethyl, methyl, kapa ethyl) li hlahisoang ho lihlopha tsa hydroxyl ka ketane ea cellulose polymer.
    • Li-reagents tse kang ethylene oxide, propylene oxide, sodium chloroacetate, kapa methyl chloride hangata li sebelisoa liketsong tsena.
  5. Taolo ea Liparamente tsa Reaction:
    • Maikutlo a Etherification a laoloa ka hloko ho latela mocheso, khatello, le pH ho fihlela tekanyo e lakatsehang ea ho fetola (DS) le ho qoba maikutlo a mahlakoreng.
  6. Ho Neutralization le Ho Hlatsoa:
    • Ka mor'a karabelo ea etherification, sehlahisoa hangata ha se nke lehlakore ho tlosa li-reagents tse feteletseng kapa lihlahisoa.
    • Selulose e fetotsoeng e hlatsuoa ho felisa lik'hemik'hale tse setseng le litšila.
  7. Ho omisa:
    • Ether e hloekisitsoeng ea cellulose e omisitsoe ho fumana sehlahisoa sa ho qetela ka phofo kapa sebōpeho sa granular.
  8. Taolo ea Boleng:
    • Ho sebelisoa mekhoa e fapaneng ea tlhahlobo, joalo ka nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, le chromatography, li sebelisoa ho sekaseka sebopeho le thepa ea cellulose ethers.
    • The degree of substitution (DS) ke parameter ea bohlokoa e laoloang nakong ea tlhahiso.
  9. Tlhahiso le Pakete:
    • Joale li-cellulose ethers li entsoe ka limaraka tse fapaneng ho fihlela litlhoko tse khethehileng tsa lits'ebetso tse fapaneng.
    • Lihlahisoa tsa ho qetela li phuthetsoe hore li ajoe.

Lisebelisoa tsa Cellulose Ethers:

Li-cellulose ethers li fumana lits'ebetso tse fapaneng liindastering tse 'maloa ka lebaka la thepa ea tsona e ikhethang. Lisebelisoa tse ling tse tloaelehileng ke tsena:

  1. Indasteri ea Kaho:
    • HPMC: E sebelisoa lits'ebetsong tse thehiloeng ho seretse le samente bakeng sa ho boloka metsi, ho sebetsa le ho ntlafatsa ho khomarela.
    • HEC: E hiriloe ka li-adhesives tsa lithaele, metsoako e kopanetsoeng, le li-renders bakeng sa thepa ea eona e teteaneng le ea ho boloka metsi.
  2. Meriana:
    • HPMC le MC: E sebelisoa mekhoeng ea litlama e le li-binders, disintegrants, le li-agent tse laoloang tse lokolloang liphahlong tsa letlapa.
    • EC: E sebelisoa ka litlolo tsa meriana bakeng sa matlapa.
  3. Indasteri ea Lijo:
    • CMC: E sebetsa e le setenya, se tsitsisa, le emulsifier lihlahisoa tse fapaneng tsa lijo.
    • MC: E sebelisoa lits'ebetsong tsa lijo bakeng sa ho tenya le thepa ea eona ea gelling.
  4. Lipente le Liaparo:
    • HEC le HPMC: Fana ka taolo ea viscosity le ho boloka metsi ha ho etsoa pente.
    • EC: E sebelisoa ka liphahlo bakeng sa thepa ea eona ea ho etsa lifilimi.
  5. Lihlahisoa tsa Tlhokomelo ea Motho:
    • HEC le HPMC: E fumanoa ka har'a li-shampoo, litlolo, le lihlahisoa tse ling tsa tlhokomelo ea botho bakeng sa ho teteaneng le ho tsitsisa.
    • CMC: E sebelisoa ka sesepa sa meno bakeng sa thepa ea eona e teteaneng.
  6. Textile:
    • CMC: E sebelisoa e le sesebelisoa sa boholo lits'ebetsong tsa masela bakeng sa thepa ea eona ea ho etsa lifilimi le sekhomaretsi.
  7. Indasteri ea Oli le Khase:
    • CMC: E hiriloe mokelikeli oa ho cheka bakeng sa taolo ea eona ea rheological le thepa ea ho fokotsa tahlehelo ea mokelikeli.
  8. Indasteri ea Lipampiri:
    • CMC: E sebelisoa e le sesebelisoa sa ho roala pampiri le boholo bakeng sa thepa ea eona ea ho etsa lifilimi le ho boloka metsi.
  9. Likhomaretsi:
    • CMC: E sebelisoa ka likhomaretsi bakeng sa ho tenya le thepa ea ho boloka metsi.

Lits'ebetso tsena li totobatsa ho tenyetseha ha li-cellulose ethers le bokhoni ba tsona ba ho ntlafatsa mefuta e fapaneng ea lihlahisoa ho tsoa liindastering tse fapaneng. Khetho ea cellulose ether e itšetlehile ka litlhoko tse khethehileng tsa kopo le thepa e lakatsehang ea sehlahisoa sa ho qetela.

Nako ea poso: Jan-20-2024