Methyl Hydroxyethyl Cellulose(MHEC) ke mofuta oa cellulose ether e sebelisoang haholo liindastering tse fapaneng bakeng sa thepa ea eona e fapaneng. Mona ke kakaretso ea MHEC:


MHEC ke ether ea cellulose e fetotsoeng e nkiloeng ho selulose ka letoto la liphetoho tsa lik'hemik'hale. E tšoauoa ka boteng ba lihlopha tse peli tsa methyl le hydroxyethyl mokokotlong oa cellulose.


  1. Ho qhibiliha ha Metsi: MHEC e qhibiliha ka metsing a batang, e etsa litharollo tse hlakileng le tse hlakileng.
  2. Thickening: E ​​bonts'a thepa e matla ea ho tenya, e etsa hore e be ea bohlokoa joalo ka mofetoleli oa rheology mefuteng e fapaneng.
  3. Tlhahiso ea Lifilimi: MHEC e ka etsa lifilimi tse feto-fetohang le tse momahaneng, tse tlatsetsang tšebelisong ea eona ea ho roala le ho khomarela.
  4. Botsitso: E fana ka botsitso ho li-emulsions le li-suspensions, ho ntlafatsa bophelo ba sethala sa lihlahisoa tse entsoeng.
  5. Ho khomarela: MHEC e tsejoa ka thepa ea eona ea sekhomaretsi, e tlatsetsang ho ntlafatsa ho khomarela lits'ebetsong tse itseng.


  1. Indasteri ea Kaho:
    • Li-Adhesives tsa Lithaele: MHEC e sebelisoa ho li-adhesives tsa lithaele ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso, ho boloka metsi le ho khomarela.
    • Li-Mortars and Renders: E sebelisoa liretseng tse entsoeng ka samente 'me li fana ka mokhoa oa ho ntlafatsa ho boloka metsi le ho sebetsa.
    • Lik'hemik'hale tsa Boithaopo: MHEC e sebelisoa ka metsoako ea boipheliso bakeng sa thepa ea eona e teteaneng le e tsitsitseng.
  2. Liaparo le Lipente:
    • MHEC e sebelisoa ka lipente le liphahlo tse entsoeng ka metsi e le motenya le ho tsitsisa. E thusa ho ntlafatsa brushability le ts'ebetso ea kakaretso ea ho roala.
  3. Likhomaretsi:
    • MHEC e sebelisoa ho li-adhesives tse fapaneng ho ntlafatsa ho khomarela le ho ntlafatsa thepa ea rheological ea metsoako ea sekhomaretsi.
  4. Meriana:
    • Litlhareng tsa meriana, MHEC e sebelisoa e le setsi se kopanyang, se senyang, le sa ho etsa lifilimi ka mokhoa oa ho etsa letlapa.

Mokhoa oa Tlhahiso:

Tlhahiso ea MHEC e kenyelletsa etherification ea selulose ka motsoako oa methyl chloride le ethylene oxide. Maemo a khethehileng le likarohano tsa reagent li laoloa ho fihlela tekanyo e lakatsehang ea ho fetola (DS) le ho lokisa thepa ea sehlahisoa sa ho qetela.

Taolo ea Boleng:

Mehato ea taolo ea boleng, ho kenyeletsoa mekhoa ea ho hlahloba e kang spectroscopy ea nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), ho netefatsa hore tekanyo ea ho nka sebaka e ka har'a mefuta e boletsoeng le hore sehlahisoa se finyella litekanyetso tse hlokahalang.

Ho feto-fetoha ha maemo a MHEC ho etsa hore e be motsoako oa bohlokoa mefuteng e mengata ea liqapi, e tlatsetsang ntlafatsong ea ts'ebetso ea thepa ea kaho, liphahlo, li-adhesives le meriana. Baetsi ba ka fana ka limaraka tse fapaneng tsa MHEC ho fihlela litlhoko tse fapaneng tsa liindasteri tse fapaneng.

Nako ea poso: Jan-21-2024