Lintho tsa motheo tsa metsoako e tloaelehileng ka har'a seretse se omileng

Mefuta ea li-admixtures tse atisang ho sebelisoa ha ho hahoa seretse se omeletseng, litšobotsi tsa bona tsa ts'ebetso, mokhoa oa ts'ebetso, le tšusumetso ea bona ts'ebetsong ea lihlahisoa tsa seretse se omeletseng. Phello ea ntlafatso ea li-agent tse bolokang metsi tse kang cellulose ether le starch ether, redispersible latex powder le lisebelisoa tsa fiber mabapi le ts'ebetsong ea seretse se omeletseng se ile sa buisanoa ka matla.

Li-admixtures li phetha karolo ea bohlokoa ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea ho haha ​​​​seretse se omileng, empa ho eketsoa ha seretse se omileng ho etsa hore theko ea thepa ea lihlahisoa tsa seretse se omeletseng e phahame haholo ho feta ea seretse sa setso, se ikarabellang ho feta 40% ea theko ea thepa ka seretse se kopantseng se ommeng. Hona joale, karolo e kholo ea motsoako o fanoa ke bahlahisi ba tsoang linaheng tse ling, 'me tekanyo ea litšupiso ea sehlahisoa e boetse e fanoa ke mofani oa thepa. Ka lebaka leo, litšenyehelo tsa lihlahisoa tsa seretse tse omeletseng li lula li le holimo, 'me ho thata ho tsebahatsa masela a tloaelehileng a masonry le li-plastering ka bongata le libaka tse pharaletseng; lihlahisoa tsa 'maraka oa maemo a holimo li laoloa ke lik'hamphani tsa linaha tse ling,' me baetsi ba seretse se omeletseng ba na le phaello e tlaase le mamello e fokolang ea theko; Ho na le khaello ea liphuputso tse hlophisitsoeng le tse reretsoeng ts'ebeliso ea meriana, 'me mekhoa ea linaha tse ling e lateloa ka bofofu.

Ho ipapisitsoe le mabaka a boletsoeng ka holimo, pampiri ena e sekaseka le ho bapisa lisebelisoa tse ling tsa mantlha tsa li-admixtures tse sebelisoang hangata, 'me motheong ona, e ithuta ts'ebetso ea lihlahisoa tsa seretse tse omeletseng tse sebelisang li-admixtures.

Setsi se le 1 sa ho boloka metsi

Setsi sa ho boloka metsi ke motsoako oa bohlokoa oa ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea ho boloka metsi ea seretse se tsoakiloeng, hape ke e 'ngoe ea metsoako ea bohlokoa ho fumana litšenyehelo tsa lisebelisoa tsa seretse se omeletseng.

1. Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose Ether (HPMC)

Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose ke lentsoe le akaretsang bakeng sa letoto la lihlahisoa tse entsoeng ke karabelo ea alkali cellulose le etherifying agent tlas'a maemo a itseng. Alkali cellulose e nkeloa sebaka ke lisebelisoa tse fapaneng tsa etherifying ho fumana li-ether tse fapaneng tsa cellulose. Ho latela thepa ea ionization ea li-substituent, cellulose ethers e ka aroloa ka mekhahlelo e 'meli: ionic (joalo ka carboxymethyl cellulose) le non-ionic (joalo ka methyl cellulose). Ho latela mofuta oa substituent, cellulose ether e ka aroloa ka monoether (joalo ka methyl cellulose) le ether e tsoakiloeng (joalo ka hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose). Ho ea ka solubility e fapaneng, e ka aroloa ka metsi a qhibilihang (joalo ka hydroxyethyl cellulose) le organic solvent-soluble (joalo ka ethyl cellulose), joalo-joalo. e arotsoe ka mofuta oa hang-hang le mofuta o tšoaroang ka holim'a nako e liehang ho qhibiliha.

Mokhoa oa ts'ebetso ea cellulose ether ka seretse ke ka tsela e latelang:

(1) Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose e qhibiliha habonolo metsing a batang, 'me e tla kopana le mathata a ho qhibiliha metsing a chesang. Empa mocheso oa eona oa gelation metsing a chesang o phahame haholo ho feta oa methyl cellulose. Ho qhibiliha ha metsi a batang ho boetse ho ntlafala haholo ha ho bapisoa le methyl cellulose.

(2) Viscosity ea hydroxypropyl methylcellulose e amana le boima ba eona ba molek'hule, 'me ha boima ba molek'hule bo le boholo, ho ba le viscosity e phahameng. Mocheso o boetse o ama viscosity ea eona, ha mocheso o ntse o eketseha, viscosity e fokotseha. Leha ho le joalo, viscosity ea eona e phahameng e na le phello e tlase ea mocheso ho feta methyl cellulose. Tharollo ea eona e tsitsitse ha e bolokiloe mocheso oa kamore.

(3) Ho bolokoa ha metsi a hydroxypropyl methylcellulose ho itšetlehile ka palo ea eona ea tlatsetso, viscosity, joalo-joalo, 'me sekhahla sa eona sa ho boloka metsi tlas'a chelete e tšoanang ea tlatsetso e phahame ho feta ea methyl cellulose.

(4) Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose e tsitsitse ho acid le alkali, 'me tharollo ea eona ea metsi e tsitsitse haholo ka har'a pH = 2 ~ 12. Caustic soda le metsi a lime ha li na phello e fokolang ts'ebetsong ea eona, empa alkali e ka potlakisa ho qhibiliha ha eona le ho eketsa viscosity ea eona. Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose e tsitsitse ho matsoai a tloaelehileng, empa ha motsoako oa motsoako oa letsoai o phahame, viscosity ea hydroxypropyl methylcellulose tharollo e atisa ho eketseha.

(5) Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose e ka kopanngoa le metsoako ea polymer e qhibilihang ka metsing ho etsa tharollo e tšoanang le e phahameng ea viscosity. Joalo ka joala ba polyvinyl, starch ether, boka ba meroho, joalo-joalo.

(6) Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose e na le khanyetso e ntle ea enzyme ho feta methylcellulose, 'me tharollo ea eona ha e na monyetla oa ho senyeha ka li-enzyme ho feta methylcellulose.

(7) Ho khomarela ha hydroxypropyl methylcellulose mohahong oa seretse ho phahame ho feta methylcellulose.

2. Methylcellulose (MC)

Ka mor'a hore k'hothone e hloekisitsoeng e phekoloe ka alkali, cellulose ether e hlahisoa ka letoto la liketso ka methane chloride e le etherification agent. Ka kakaretso, tekanyo ea ho fetola ke 1.6 ~ 2.0, 'me solubility e boetse e fapane le likhato tse fapaneng tsa ho fetola. Ke ea non-ionic cellulose ether.

(1) Methylcellulose e qhibiliha ka metsing a batang, 'me ho tla ba thata ho qhibiliha ka metsing a chesang. Tharollo ea eona ea metsi e tsitsitse haholo maemong a pH = 3 ~ 12. E na le tumellano e ntle le starch, guar gum, joalo-joalo le li-surfactants tse ngata. Ha mocheso o fihla mocheso oa gelation, gelation e etsahala.

(2) Ho boloka metsi a methyl cellulose ho ipapisitse le palo ea eona ea tlatsetso, viscosity, botle ba likaroloana le sekhahla sa ho qhibiliha. Ka kakaretso, haeba palo ea tlatsetso e le kholo, botle bo nyane, 'me viscosity e kholo, sekhahla sa ho boloka metsi se phahame. Har'a bona, palo ea ho eketsoa e na le tšusumetso e kholo ka ho fetisisa ho tekanyo ea ho boloka metsi, 'me boemo ba viscosity ha bo lekane ka ho toba le tekanyo ea ho boloka metsi. Sekhahla sa ho qhibiliha haholo-holo se itšetlehile ka tekanyo ea phetoho ea bokaholimo ba likaroloana tsa cellulose le botle ba likaroloana. Har'a li-ether tsa cellulose tse ka holimo, methyl cellulose le hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose li na le litekanyetso tse phahameng tsa ho boloka metsi.

(3) Liphetoho tsa mocheso li tla ama ka botebo tekanyo ea ho boloka metsi ea methyl cellulose. Ka kakaretso, ha thempereichara e phahame, ho mpefala ha metsi ho boloka metsi. Haeba mocheso oa seretse o feta 40 ° C, ho boloka metsi a methyl cellulose ho tla fokotseha haholo, ho ama ka ho teba ho hahoa ha seretse.

(4) Methyl cellulose e na le phello e kholo mohahong le ho khomarela seretse. "Ho khomarela" mona ho bolela matla a sekhomaretsi a utloahalang pakeng tsa sesebelisoa sa mosebetsi le karoloana ea lebota, ke hore, ho hanyetsa ha seretse. Sekhomaretsi se phahame, khanyetso ea ho kuta ea seretse e kholo, 'me matla a hlokoang ke basebetsi ha a ntse a sebelisoa le ona a maholo,' me ts'ebetso ea kaho ea seretse e futsanehile. Methyl cellulose adhesion e boemong bo itekanetseng lihlahisoa tsa cellulose ether.

3. Hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC)

E entsoe ka k'hothone e hloekisitsoeng e tšoaroang ka alkali, 'me e itšoara ka ethylene oxide e le etherification agent ka pel'a acetone. Tekanyo ea ho nka sebaka ka kakaretso ke 1.5 ~ 2.0. E na le hydrophilicity e matla 'me e bonolo ho monya mongobo.

(1) Hydroxyethyl cellulose e qhibiliha ka metsing a batang, empa ho thata ho qhibiliha ka metsing a chesang. Tharollo ea eona e tsitsitse mocheso o phahameng ntle le gelling. E ka sebelisoa nako e telele tlas'a mocheso o phahameng ka har'a seretse, empa ho boloka metsi a eona ho tlaase ho feta methyl cellulose.

(2) Hydroxyethyl cellulose e tsitsitse ho acid e akaretsang le alkali. Alkali e ka potlakisa ho qhibiliha ha eona 'me ea eketsa viscosity hanyenyane. Ho qhalana ha eona metsing ho mpe ho feta ea methyl cellulose le hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose. .

(3) Hydroxyethyl cellulose e na le ts'ebetso e ntle ea anti-sag bakeng sa seretse, empa e na le nako e telele ea ho chechisa samente.

(4) Ts'ebetso ea hydroxyethyl cellulose e hlahisoang ke likhoebo tse ling tsa malapeng ho hlakile hore e tlase ho feta ea methyl cellulose ka lebaka la metsi a mangata le molora o mongata.

Ether ea starch

Li-ether tsa starch tse sebelisoang liretseng li fetotsoe ho tsoa ho li-polymer tsa tlhaho tsa li-polysaccharides tse ling. Tse kang litapole, poone, cassava, guar beans joalo-joalo.

1. Setache se fetotsoeng

Starch ether e fetotsoeng ho tloha ho litapole, poone, cassava, joalo-joalo e na le polokelo ea metsi e tlase haholo ho feta cellulose ether. Ka lebaka la tekanyo e fapaneng ea phetoho, botsitso ba acid le alkali bo fapane. Lihlahisoa tse ling li loketse ho sebelisoa liretseng tse thehiloeng ho gypsum, ha tse ling li ka sebelisoa liretseng tse entsoeng ka samente. Ho sebelisoa ha starch ether ka har'a seretse e sebelisoa haholo-holo e le motenya ho ntlafatsa thepa e thibelang ho senyeha ha seretse, ho fokotsa ho khomarela seretse se metsi, le ho lelefatsa nako ea ho bula.

Hangata li-starch ethers li sebelisoa hammoho le selulose, e le hore thepa le melemo ea lihlahisoa tsena tse peli li tlatsana. Kaha lihlahisoa tsa starch ether li theko e tlaase haholo ho feta cellulose ether, ho sebelisoa ha starch ether ka seretse ho tla tlisa phokotso e kholo ea litšenyehelo tsa ho etsoa ha seretse.

2. Guar gum ether

Guar gum ether ke mofuta oa starch ether e nang le thepa e khethehileng, e fetotsoeng ho tloha linaoa tsa tlhaho tsa guar. Haholo-holo ka karabelo ea etherification ea guar gum le sehlopha se sebetsang sa acrylic, sebopeho se nang le 2-hydroxypropyl sehlopha se sebetsang se thehoa, e leng sebopeho sa polygalactomannose.

(1) Ha e bapisoa le cellulose ether, guar gum ether e qhibiliha haholoanyane metsing. Thepa ea pH guar ethers ha e le hantle ha e amehe.

(2) Tlas'a maemo a viscosity e tlase le tekanyo e tlase, guar gum e ka nka sebaka sa cellulose ether ka tekanyo e lekanang, 'me e na le ho boloka metsi ho tšoanang. Empa ho hlaka ho ntlafala, anti-sag, thixotropy joalo-joalo.

(3) Tlas'a maemo a viscosity e phahameng le tekanyo e kholo, guar gum e ke ke ea nka sebaka sa cellulose ether, 'me tšebeliso e tsoakiloeng ea tse peli e tla hlahisa ts'ebetso e ntle.

(4) Ho sebelisoa ha guar gum ka seretse se thehiloeng ho gypsum ho ka fokotsa haholo ho khomarela nakong ea kaho le ho etsa hore mohaho o be bonolo. Ha e na phello e mpe nakong ea ho beha nako le matla a seretse sa gypsum.

3. Fetisisa e fetotsoeng ea liminerale tse bolokang metsi

Setsi se bolokang metsi se entsoeng ka liminerale tsa tlhaho ka ho fetola le ho kopanya se sebelisitsoe Chaena. Liminerale tse ka sehloohong tse sebelisetsoang ho lokisa li-thickeners tse bolokang metsi ke: sepiolite, bentonite, montmorillonite, kaolin, joalo-joalo Liminerale tsena li na le thepa e itseng ea ho boloka metsi le ho teteaneng ka ho fetola joalo ka li-coupling agents. Mofuta ona oa botenya o bolokang metsi o sebelisoang seretseng o na le litšobotsi tse latelang.

(1) E ka ntlafatsa haholo ts'ebetso ea seretse se tloaelehileng, 'me ea rarolla mathata a ho se sebetse hantle ha seretse sa samente, matla a tlase a seretse se tsoakiloeng, le ho se sebetse hantle ha metsi.

(2) Lihlahisoa tsa seretse tse nang le maemo a fapaneng a matla bakeng sa meaho e akaretsang ea indasteri le ea sechaba li ka etsoa.

(3) Theko ea thepa e tlase haholo ho feta ea cellulose ether le starch ether.

(4) Ho boloka metsi ho fokotsehile ho feta moemeli oa ho boloka metsi a manyolo, boleng bo omileng ba ho fokotseha ha seretse se lokiselitsoeng bo boholo, 'me ho kopana hoa fokotseha.

Redispersible polymer rabara phofo

Redispersible phofo ea rabara e sebetsoa ka ho omisoa ka spray ea emulsion e khethehileng ea polymer. Nakong ea ts'ebetso, colloid e sireletsang, anti-caking agent, joalo-joalo e fetoha li-additives tsa bohlokoa. Phofo ea rabara e omisitsoeng ke likaroloana tse chitja tsa 80 ~ 100mm tse bokaneng hammoho. Likaroloana tsena li qhibiliha ka metsing 'me li etsa phallo e tsitsitseng e kholoanyane ho feta likaroloana tsa pele tsa emulsion. Phahamiso ena e tla etsa filimi ka mor'a ho felloa ke metsi le ho omisa. Filimi ena ha e fetohe joalo ka sebopeho sa filimi e akaretsang ea emulsion, 'me e ke ke ea qhalana hape ha e kopana le metsi. Liphatlalatso.

Redispersible phofo ea rabara e ka aroloa ka: styrene-butadiene copolymer, tertiary carbonic acid ethylene copolymer, ethylene-acetate acetic acid copolymer, joalo-joalo, 'me ho itšetlehile ka sena, silicone, vinyl laurate, joalo-joalo li hlomathiseletsoa ho ntlafatsa tshebetso. Mehato e fapaneng ea ho fetola e etsa hore phofo ea rabara e qhaqhoeng e be le thepa e fapaneng e kang ho hanyetsa metsi, ho hanyetsa alkali, ho hanyetsa boemo ba leholimo le ho fetoha ha maemo. E na le vinyl laurate le silicone, tse ka etsang hore phofo ea rabara e be le hydrophobicity e ntle. Highly branched vinyl tertiary carbonate e nang le boleng bo tlase ba Tg le ho fetoha habonolo ha maemo.

Ha mefuta ena ea li-powders tsa rabara e sebelisoa ho seretse, kaofela ha tsona li na le phello ea ho lieha ho beha nako ea samente, empa phello ea ho lieha e nyenyane ho feta ea ho sebelisoa ka ho toba ha li-emulsion tse tšoanang. Ha ho bapisoa, styrene-butadiene e na le phello e kholo ka ho fetisisa ea ho fokotsa, 'me ethylene-vinyl acetate e na le phello e nyenyane ka ho fetisisa ea ho fokotsa. Haeba litekanyetso li le nyane haholo, phello ea ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea seretse ha e hlake.

Nako ea poso: Apr-03-2023